Joignez-vous à nous, au Mans, pour un colloque stimulant de deux jours axé sur la vie et l'œuvre de l'un des écrivains britanniques les plus polyvalents, prolifiques et influents du XXe siècle : W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965)
13-14 mars 2025 Le Mans (France)

Votre communication / article

About Your Paper

  • There will be no need for you to submit your presentation script before the conference.
  • Papers should be 20 minutes long. This usually corresponds to approximately 2,800 words.
  • A computer & screen will be available to project a Powerpoint file in support of your talk.
  • On the day of your talk, please bring along a USB stick with your powerpoint presentation saved both as a .PPTX and as a .PDF file.
  • At the end of each panel, speakers will be asked questions about their presentations for 15-20 minutes.

About Your Article

In due course, the conference will be followed by two publications:

  • Articles related to Maugham's short stories will be published in Journal of the Short Story in English (JSSE), a renowned international publication focused on the short form.
  • Articles related to all other topics will be published as a separate volume. More information on this publication will be provided as soon as possible.

All articles will need to follow the JSSE's publication guidelines, or "stylesheet," fully set out in this document.

Among oher things, these guidelines mention or detail the following requisites:

  • The total length of the article: a maximum of 48,000 characters (spaces included), or usually between 6,000 and 8,000 words
  • The title of your paper
  • Your full name and affiliation
  • A short biographical statement
  • A summary of your article in English (we will provide the additional translation into French)
  • The font and size to be used in your article
  • Citations,
  • Footnotes,
  • Punctuation,
  • The Work Cited section at the end of your paper.

Participants may wish to already write their full article (between 6,000 and 8,000 words approximately), and reduce it to about 2,800 words for the conference.

Please use the following model file to make sure it includes all the required information and follows our stylesheet: as a Word file / as a PDF file.

The preferred formats for articles submitted are Word and OpenOffice.



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